There are many natural methods to manage mildly elevated blood glucose levels. She can now access her glucose readings whenever she wants, and make adjustments to her life accordingly. Research has shown that people with a lower HbA1c (less than 7.5%) have a greater effect on their HbA1c after eating. Vitamin D is created from cholesterol through sunlight exposure. Ask questions at your next visit to your health-care team. Amiclear claims that it can inhibit fat storage, and promote the release or fatty acid. Your body creates glucose from the molecules and stores it in a polysaccharide called glyce. The best app for improving diabetes management, including delicious recipes, health tips, meal planning, exercise routines, data monitoring, and more. It is made up of plant-based ingredients that trigger the brain to release insulin when blood sugar levels are high. In any case, you have the option to reduce your blood glucose to prevent damage or further health risks. Cortisol levels can rise when the body is under stress. After-meal, or "postprandial," spikes are temporary high blood glucose levels that occur soon after eating.