Casimiro received her PhD in biomedical research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and her medical degree from the University of Washington. Because many of the ingredients can help young adults maintain good digestive health, this product is safe to use for everyone. Make a list of all medications, vitamins and supplements that you take, as well as the dosages. Maca is an indigenous plant that grows on the high plateaus in the Andes Mountains. Learn more about the different types, and how to cook with them. It was called "Strike the Spike", which is a title I created to draw more attention from readers. A cup of strawberries is a sweet snack option if you are looking for something sweet. Look for whole wheat flour or whole-grain Cornmeal whole Oats, whole Rye, or Buckwheat flour. It could be related to how someone's body reacts to stress, or how they manage their diet and lifestyle. Together, you can examine all your data to find the root cause of the lows. After eating, blood sugar is increased and a young body produces insulin to stimulate sugar uptake into muscle and fat tissues. You may feel dizzy, have trouble focusing or thinking clearly or feel tired. Start by listening to what your body needs to improve your self-esteem. Follow your diabetes management plan about when to check for ketones and what to do if the test is positive. Asterino-McGeean explains which lifestyle changes can help lower blood sugar without medication -- and when you'll need to turn to your healthcare provider for help.